A Toilet -- Where you go to pray after a night of drinking.
"dude, I dropped out of University to drink full-time; since then I've spent many days praying at the porcelain altar!"
by cpujunkie2007 November 3, 2007
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Function: Verb
Etymology: Dervied from the everyday importance of the lavatory bowl and it's material.

1. To defecate or vomit profusely as if one is praying and in need of dire religous help. (syn: Praying at the Porcelain Goddess)
Don't ever eat at KFC unless you need to be praying at the Porcelain Altar.
by The Amazing Anonymous One July 11, 2004
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Throwing up. Can be used in two ways:
a) euphemism for drunk-barf.
b) euphemism for bulemic-induced barf.

Brad: Whoa... last night I got totally sloshed and was worshipping the porcelain altar for ages.
John: We know. We heard you.

Brittney: So, ok, I've been, like, worshipping the porcelain altar... if you know what I mean... and I think it's made me like, so totally skinny! But I'm still like, way fat. You know?
Kelsey: Yaaa, hon, ya. Trust me. I've been at it for like, a year. And look at me.
(Hip bones protrude)
I'm like, a blimp.
by grapefruit95 June 12, 2010
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