An innovative synonym for "disadvantages"

Improve your chances for a potential job by using the word in an interview!

Impress your English Teacher!
Applicant: And how much paid vacation does your company offer?
Employer: We give 2 weeks paid.
Applicant: And what are the popinickels of this position?
Employer: Popinickels? Wtf? You're hired!
by Mike Ock Itches August 7, 2006
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An innovative synonym for "disadvantages"

Improve your chances for a potential job by using the word in an interview!

Impress your English Teacher!

Applicant: And how much paid vacation does your company offer?
Employer: We give 2 weeks paid.
Applicant: And what are the popinickels of this position?
Employer: Popinickels? Wtf? You're hired!
by Mike Ock Itches August 3, 2006
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