Coffee was no good for punctuating the tedium unless he was prepared to piss into a bottle (Kate Atkinson-Case Histories)
by fortuneteller657 August 18, 2007
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Coffee was no good for punctuating the tedium unless he was prepared to piss into a bottle (Kate Atkinson-Case Histories)
by fortuneteller657 August 18, 2007
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this is when you replace apple juice with piss and let your friend or friends take a nice gulp of "piss in a bottle".
EX: " dude hows the apple juice?"

"it tastes very it old?"
"no hahha its piss in a bottle! loololollolololol"
by shaz in a bottle December 5, 2009
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A bottle of piss that is left outside one's door when this person/group has been too loud. In some cultures, the piss bottle is used to serve as a warning and is believed to strike fear and terror into the hearts of those who are too noisy while playing Mario Tennis at 4:30 A.M. In others, it is meant to appease the mighty Piss Gods. As for our culture, we haven't decided yet.
Earl: Hey Cletus, they's makin' noise again! Come piss in this here bottle and leave 'er outside ther door! Tha'll show 'em. An maybe the Piss Gods 'll be made happy and take way my here rash.

Cletus: I dun like those piss bottles. They's tastey drinkin' too!
by Robbie T. April 20, 2006
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a bottle that is filled with pee - probably when there isn't a restroom around, such as on long car trips, or at the parents when showing face is not a wise idea, etc - hopefully a screw top for safe keeps
yo I can't believe that schiesty dude pissed in my cat's water cup, he really should of piss bottled it!!
by pissbottle February 12, 2007
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When you and your friend are bored and you see and empty bottle and one or more of you have to pee, you open up the bottle and pee in it until its full. Then you go find someones house that you don't like and run up to the doorstep, take off the cover, lean it on the door, ring the doorbell and go watch the pee fall into the house from a safe distance.
dude we totally piss bottled that fag next door.
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a term for the followers of Ben's shitty fall out boy meme acc all of his amazing followers r piss bottles ever since Ben drank piss out of a bottle.
u follow dude ur such a cool piss bottle
by ben stump March 23, 2020
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