When you totally out do some one, usually in insult form.
"your a gay"
"your mums a gay.... haha pipped"
by Calvin Walker December 19, 2006
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When a guy buys a girl lots of drinks specifically so she'll sleep with him
Tony's going over to Lucy with two bottles of wine - she's about to be pipped!
by Trevor Quentin May 3, 2017
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Comes from the English word molested, in which a man sexually assaults/touches a child.
Did you hear that that guy pipped his kids every night for 4 years straight, i would not want to be them.
by The Real Jenko October 2, 2014
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Mock-pompous English greeting which conveys jocular familiarity on the recipient. Sometimes used in conjunction with "What ho!" and "Old bean" for maximum effect. Derived from PG Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster.
Edmund: All right, where is the malingering git?
George: Hello, Cap! Pip pip, Balders! Here I lie.
by weaselnorris May 9, 2004
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A: We'll be in touch. i'm just about to watch a recording of Arsenal smashing the shit out of wigan

B: Enjoy! Pip pip!
by divine horsemen January 23, 2011
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Performance Improvement Plan. A document given to an employee within a company to set up paperwork to legally fire the employee and protect the company against potential lawsuits under the guise of improving performance. By the time this document is given, management has almost definitely decided to terminate the employee. Used as a slang to indicate someone is being/was fired.
Person 1: Where did Tom go?
Person 2: Didn't you hear? He got pipped out of here, that's why his LinkedIn profile has an end date here.
Person 1: Wow no wonder he just disappeared.
by slendershark March 15, 2020
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Pip is the best person alive and an even greater friend! You’d be lucky to have them by your side!
Hello Pip! I hope you find this and smile.”
by JamiePup May 11, 2021
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