Referring to cleanliness, usually in reference to a vehicle.
Grant will have that new truck piggered up in no time!
by BingBongBowler August 5, 2017
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pigger is a racial slur for pigs and you will be heavily disowned by the pig community for using this word without a p-word pass or not being a pig
pigga, pigger, pig
by Spiderpig142007 May 16, 2019
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A person who is sexually attracted towards pigs ,or large creatures resembling a pig
by SauceFish April 23, 2020
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A black cop.
Piggers can be found anywhere from a ghetto to a donut shop, their habitat includes all of the continental United states and parts of Canada. Generally overweight and stupid, Piggers can be identified most easily by there distinctive black skin and police uniforms. Although generally harmless, when provoked Piggers have been known to attack using a variety of dangerous devices including but not limited to; clubs, mace, handcuffs, tazers and various firearms, so keep your distance!
DUDE # 1" hey man i heard you got arrested the other day?

DUDE # 2 "yea man some goddamn Pigger busted my ass with a fat blunt"

DUDE #1 "shit dude that blows, fuckin Piggers!
by fuckfuckgoose- August 31, 2009
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A paki(muslim) who thinks he's black a gangster and from the hood
That muslim is such a big pigger
by Marlo June 6, 2005
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