'Net speak for "psycho." Originated from 11-year-olds who couldn't be bothered to look in a dictionary.
by mcmackey October 22, 2007
by Dr Jester February 2, 2009
Get the physco mug.
by SMUmuch March 26, 2008
by somebodycoolerthanu March 8, 2005
when someone gets a knife out at someone. also when they carry bricks around because they cant use their fists. Thay hv made up person in there head call eddi.
'my ex best friend is such a physco'
by barbra June 6, 2007
a noun that describes an individual that has overloads themself, in one case describing insane academic asian students
You crazy physco! How are you going to have enough time to do all of this homework, and all these extracurricular activities?
by ze singing midget April 10, 2005