An organization that tells others to go vegan.

These pieces of shit don't like it when animals are hurt in any way, but they have killed more than 10000 pets, claiming they were "sick", but they were perfectly healthy.
by PI55 September 2, 2018
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The so called "People for the Ethical Treatment of animals" but closer to modern day Nazis. They will force their minority views onto everyone, even using extreme acts such as: Arson, pornography, violence and even attempted murder (fascism). They have also killed thousands of homeless animals and mutilated seals to try and prove their point (hypocrisy). Conclusion: they are fucking terrorists.
Person 1: I just joined PETA
Person 2: Hello is this 911, I have a man here that just joined a terroist group please come and arrest him.
by Omfi September 6, 2018
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People who give vegetarians and vegans a bad name
Omnivore: I like meat.
Peta member: Murderer!

Omnivore: I like meat.
Regular vegetarian: OK.
by ;iogsd;lkvna;lk July 5, 2009
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a popular terrorist organization in the United States.
It's okay to hurt humans, but not to hurt animals.
by J. C. T. May 22, 2005
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

A bunch of morons, although they have the right idea about helping animals, are doing it the wrong way. They destroy other people's property, and come up with stupid shit like "eating meat causes impotence" (I swear I saw a sign that PETA had put up that said that).
Humans have been eating meat for millions of years now and we still overpopulate the world. Explain that, please.
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