An acronym from Oh My F*cking God, but it could be another acronym for Oranges Must Feel Great!
"OMFG!" Brendan screamed.
"True." Emma agreed.
by Nylhcir Horan January 8, 2015
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Illiterate way of saying "Oh my f--king god" to express great distress, anger, or joy.
OMFG, i just liek, GOT HACKED, YO! WTF?!
by Blindside December 3, 2003
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An expression of pure shock. Derived from OMFG (oh my fucking god).

Pronounced how it's spelt, not like an acronym.
Your house is on fire.
by Brap. October 24, 2007
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by Kukloprdos November 9, 2009
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( Oh My Fucking God)
also includes OMG.
A game term sometimes used to show fusturation.
OMFG u fucking noob

OMFG U retard

omfg he's dead
by J-virrey November 7, 2007
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Person A: "Yo dude, I am the OG."
Person B: "Yeah, well I am the OMFG!"
by Kaylinnnnn :] JB FAN September 6, 2008
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