To have an erection. Derived from the increased prominence of the penis when it is erect and ability to poke a women's leg if they are in close proximity.

Often used in Yorkshire, England.
I was dancing with Jane and got a nudger.
Just thinking about my new 42" TV gives me a such a nudger.
by John T Speed December 7, 2009
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term to describe anyone as a dumbass. (with implied gaylord tendencies)
Stop being such a nudger and get me a pint.
by woodpidgeon September 20, 2003
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a Nudger is a pub nickname(Y)
oright nudger how ya doing?? fancy a beer?
by nudger1107(Y) January 29, 2009
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tour a nudger
by craig March 28, 2004
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A homosexual male who pefers putting his knob in another guys arse to getting a knob in his own.
George is the bum nudger. Michael is his bitch.
by v13 October 28, 2006
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someone who takes it up the bum eg. hetrosexual couples
your sucha fudge nudger
a fudge nudger
by Nat Cock June 4, 2007
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someone that is gay, aka nudges other boys turds.
'that boy is such a turd nudger'

by harri_ February 4, 2009
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