A nubcaike is a noob who is generally nooby. It is a word used by people who are in no way noobish, or at least that is what they believe. Often said by players of online games.
Person1:Can I have some free stuff please? I'm new =)

Person2: Get away from me nubcaike, no freebies!
by Paul9 August 30, 2007
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Noob Cake, or some swagfag on the internet trying to sound cool. Often used by people sitting behind computer screens... .. . . . . looking at you...
-Hah get rekt nubcaik
-Omg this nubcaik is using hax
-You nubcaik
by IAmFridaySoYouCanLoveMe November 8, 2014
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A noob, in a different word. A nubcaik would be a very annoying person on online games or so, that spam, scam, beg, etc.
Noob does not equal newb. That is usually what some think, a newb is an unexperienced player in an online game.
Nubcaik: donat pl0x
Person: No...
Nubcaik: umg rprted for haxxing
Person: Wait what?
by w00t haxxorz November 10, 2009
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