The girl of all girls :)
Beautiful, Hot, Sexy, did i mention Hot ?
by ? March 20, 2003
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another word for dog a term most commonly used in new south wales and queensland in australia
1 - hey did you see that nesa run
2 - ah fuck he just did a nesa
by kumargg August 10, 2006
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Beautiful thicc has big boobies she is an amazing person and is the best person u will meet she give u everything and sum time can be freaky but every guys she gets wit love it
Nesa is so hot

Yea right I wanna tap

Me to

3 sum

by Penq12356 March 6, 2019
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The stupid Australian (New South Wales) education department that has changed names 6 times in the last two years ands mission in life is to make pointless exams that stress out high school kids.
person one: NESA shit on me dude

Person Two: dduuuuuude what they do now?
one: they changed Genny maths to standard maths

two: duuuuuddee fuck NESA
by yeetyeetfuckmedead November 21, 2018
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A comedic movie or film which generally requires a relatively low IQ to understand and respond to its humor. (See slapstick humor.)

This type of movie often lacks in the areas of storyline and underlying theme, which can be confusing to its simple-minded viewers. Instead, it replaces them with fart jokes, sexual innuendos, and dogs biting various personal areas of men.
"Dude, are you going to go see Night at the Museum today in theaters?

No way man, that is a total Nesa movie! I would rather listen to Paula Abdul try to read me the New York Times than spend those 2 1/2 hours of my life torturing my braincells."
by NYmets89 January 19, 2009
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