Narc radar, the ability to somehow smell narcs.
Me: *doing some shit I’m not supposed to be doing.*
Me: *stops suddenly.*
Friend: “are you okay?”
Me: “yeah there’s a narc behind me.”

Friend: “oh you mean-“
Me: “shut the fuuuuuuck shhhhh don’t say her name, don’t make eye contact, if you say it three times in the mirror she’ll appear in your dreams and make you complete your competency checklist.”
Friend: “stop being ridiculous, she’s no narc.”
She: *walks over the admin.*
Admin: “so you’ve been watching him (friend), you have any more reports?”
She: “yeah it showed on that camera I put in his window that he was watching an R rated movie with his 16 year old brother. You have to be 17 to do that.”
Me: “whatever I’m going home.”
Friend: “what’s wrong with you? Back me up!”
Me: “no way, you’re own fault that you didn’t listen to my narcdar.
by Sacredfart April 5, 2023
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