When you are in the car with someone and they force you to listen to bad music on the radio and you can't take it anymore.
I was in the car with my dad and he forced musical rape on me with his oldies country, and he refused to change the channel.
by jjhsdfg October 18, 2007
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1. going through a friend's iTunes and stealing their music

2. going through someone's iPod. Can make some people very uncomfortable.
1. I music raped her and got another 140 songs.

2. Person 1: "Hey can I see your iPod?"

Person 2: "So you can music rape it? Hell no!"
by 30SecondstoNeonTrees July 29, 2010
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When standing next to the source of very loud music and getting hit by the rhythm and beat waves.
Music rape, what you feel next to powerful music.
by rh30em09 April 23, 2011
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Music people listen to whilst raping people.
Lamar: Yo Tyrone, I heard you went out with Stephanie last night! How was it?

Tyrone: It was great, man! She was annoying though, so I raped her! I listened to Tyler the Creator during the act! He makes great rape music!
by OG Zus April 8, 2022
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When you force music onto others without their consent.
by Yung Dink December 9, 2020
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