When something is a bit off, a bit weird or retarded looking.
person 1: The Symmetra in that fan art is a bit mongy.
person 2: Yeah, they kinda messed up her face...
by K-a-e-d-e December 4, 2016
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Adjective used to describe an experience or activity that is very gratifying when done while high, usually because it will trip you the fuck out.
Dude, you gotta watch avatar when you're high, it's so mongy
by OzzieHP October 11, 2018
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A Mongy or M O N G Y is the unfortunate maternal parent of a (nominally) male child that is born a homosexual, but has the complication of also having an unnatural lust for their own mother.

These unfortunate mothers, or M O N G Y s (Mother Of Non-Gendered Young)have a terrible time fighting off their confused son's advances soon after birth as although they have very small dicks (likened to an old fashioned door bell) it is placed just over their anus which means that nappy changing is hell.

For the rest of their life, the non gendered young, with its a rapacous sexual appetite cannot ever 'go' without coming. A side efrfrect of this condition is that they are incredibly ugly and are often driven to fuck themselves up their own arse. An endeavour doomed to failure given the minute proportions of their genitalia.

The more intelligent non-gendered young will overcome this terrible affliction with psychiatric help and medication.
Unfortunately for the less intellectually able,(the fuckwits,) this birth defect leads them to become very bitter and twisted individuals so full of hate they spend all day imprisoned in a chat room sniping at anybody better looking, more pleasant, or more successful in life than they are (everybody else).

The non-gendered young, also called son of Mongy will often go into complete denial, and much as it denies its homosexuality, it protests too loudly about its origins:

Ewatt Tvil: I would rather chat to a good looking chatter than an ugly mongy looking one
Ewatt Tvil: Have you always looked like a mongy elkie?
by AnnieLondon111 April 11, 2009
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someone who is not quite all there in the brain category; they do stupid things, they probably have issues with being gainfully employed, they sit in strip mall bars and talk about their old glory days in high school
He's not going to work today, he's a mongie.
by OBNJ1988 May 25, 2018
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A lame ass punk bitch ass pussy mother fucken faggota thats weak in the chin baby back ass bitch nigger cock riding cock sucking cum guzzling ass piece of shit thats not worth the nigger foreskin his mom rapped his bitch ass in
by Ricklamb August 21, 2020
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