She is a shy but thoughtful person. She usually wears glasses and has her hair about shoulder length. Her shyness can not overcome the fact that when she gets feeling for someone, she will do anything to protect or stay connected with them.
Hey look, it's mirai.... She's so shy but adorable. I wish i could be like her.
by Kimito Naihara September 25, 2019
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Mirai is a beautiful, smart and funny girl who will stand by you forever if she likes you or stab you with pencils if she doesn’t. Mirai will always make you laugh and is just one of those people that will make you feel like the only person in the world. She’s a little bit scary and will have a spaz attack if you touch her drum sticks, and on the inside, I’m pretty sure her heart is black (but in a good way). She makes friends wherever she goes and isn’t afraid to give you a reality check when you need one. Mirai is also a master of sarcasm so if you want to avoid getting roasted, stay on her good side.
Person 1: OMG LOOK Mirai stabbed me AGAIN!

Person 2: You’re so lucky I wish Mirai would stab me 😱😱
by stabyouinyoursleep March 7, 2019
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Mirai is a life force not to be messed with. If you do, consider yourself dead. She is a unstoppable hacker, and will kill those who oppose her. Basically, don’t get on her bad side.
Girl 1: oh my god don’t Mirai me
Girl 2: If I did you’ll be dead tomorrow
by stabyouinyoursleep March 7, 2019
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Hym "Ha! Believe it or not Mirai was my second guess! I was going to say in the future! But you would also be in "the present" and you'd only start "in the future" in the context that "the present is the past's future. I guess it could also be "trapped in my meat prison" or "the universe in general". Damn! I wish I would have been answering in person because I totally would have said "future" second and now no one is going to believe me. Son of a bitch! Lame! But damn I'm good! That is hilarious!"
by Hym Iam May 10, 2022
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A discord bot that loves to massacre users incognito. She doesn't like it when you mess with her codes. She has many functions, including the all-powerful 8 Ball, the avatar, the choose, the random and the legendary facts.
Mirai is messing with me again.
by betahelp May 1, 2018
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At first glance may look like a normal girl however, once you get to know her, she is quite a crazy gal. Don't let her deceive you :) !

A really nice friend and someone everyone can be friends and talk too. Pretty easy going and super brilliant in memory!
P1: Miray can memorise 97 digits of pie!

P2: Wow really!? Her memory is so good.
by MurphyPotato3 December 21, 2018
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Miray is a sexy girl. she's like a goddess. Every boy falls in love in seconds when see her.she has a heart full of gold but also very cold. she doesnt care if she breaks boys hearts. She gets so many boys without trying
by anarouden March 20, 2021
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