Medie, is a South African slang words which initially meant "Mary"
Mary being a general term used for girl or woman
Did you check dat Medie, sy is lekker befok
Did you see that Medie, she is crazy

Gaan daai Medie trou
I'm going to marry that Medie oneday
by BanaMpundu November 28, 2018
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Intelligent, funny, tender, faithful and protective, Medy is the best boyfriend that can exist.
He is the private property of girl which wanna be his wife for life.
I hope that Medy will be the one with whom I will share my life.
by 11/09/2016~love-for-life June 5, 2017
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Girl with a massive bootayyyyyy🍑🤤
Oh god do u see that Medi🤪 she’s thiccccckkk
by MaKiNgPeOpLeSmIlE September 11, 2018
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Is both used as an abbreviation and as a nickname for the character Medicine Melancholy, from the Touhou Project series.
Used by either lazy Touhou fans who can't write a full name or by based gigachad Medicine Melancholy fans in a affectionate way.
Medicine Lover: "I love Medi, she will always be a gem."
by MedicineLov3r August 12, 2023
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Short for 'mediocre' but used in a sense that something is 'fucked up' or 'shameful'. Can also be used as a replacement for the slang term 'grimey'
"Yo you're medi! why u have to slash his tires like that?"

"Can't stand to watch him. His dance moves are straight medi."
by J. Phillz January 29, 2009
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