*During 1987*
Noob 1: yo did you hear about that max headroom pirating incident the other day?
Noob 2: yea that guy is a true troll
by GucciLuke January 3, 2012
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Appeared first in 1985, last seen in 1988.

A pseudo computer generated parody of the embodiment of 1980s late night talk show hosts, and metaphor of a talking head.

Plastic-like appearance and usually stands in front of a backdrop of moving horizontal lines.

Was essentially the original troll, had a stuttering speech pattern and shilled for ‘New Coke’.
Person 1: I saw that one plastic looking guy on TV again.

Person 2: Oh that talking head? I love M-m-m-m-Max Headroom!
by Mmmax October 9, 2020
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Refers to any upper-body article of clothing (i.e., blouse, t-shirt, nightgown, etc.) that has sufficient "excess looseness" in front of the wearer to allow someone's else's head to be tucked up in underneath so that said person can snuggle his/her head against the wearer's bare chest without the garment's having to be removed.
Snuggly guy: I love how Tiffany wears such a loose PJ top to bed; it's a really awesome "max headroom garment", in that I can easily slip my head underneath the hem and nuzzle up to her boobs while we sleep, even when it's too chilly in the bedroom for her to sleep "topless".
by QuacksO June 21, 2017
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