The act of sniffing a cow's hind end as it farts with the goal of obtaining a high from the chemicals released in the flatulence.
Clint was out in the cow pastures marfing all night long.
by JBMooney March 3, 2019
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A meaningless expression used by furrys who can't or won't decide on a word to express the emotional state.

A furry "meh" basicly.
by Mr Yin January 6, 2009
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An acronym, short for "Modifications and Additions to Reactor Facilities." It is the name of a prototype reactor plant run by the U.S. Navy and the Department of Energy, located in upstate New York. It is a disastrous cluster-fuck of a Destroyer's engine room (surface ship's steam plant) and a S5W/S7G primary plant (fast-attack submarine's reactor plant), which results in nothing making any sense at all, and everything breaking constantly. According to a rumor I just heard, a large primary-to-secondary leak recently occurred and the plant is going to be shut down forever.

Also means, "Make another round, fucker!" and is said to someone who's sitting around, on watch, not using their time the way they're supposed to (bullshitting, not paying attention to equipment/machinery).
Person A: What plant are you in? S8G?
Person B: MARF :(
Person A: *shivers* I'm sorry man.
by Sarpedon June 20, 2006
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A beloved character on social networks that has begun to replace Pepe both as an avatar and source for memes

Sometimes employed in an accusatory fashion to denigrate other social media users , for example , " You're Marf"

Other usage : Marfed
" I'm so addicted to Marf memes that I'm Marfed" . Example 2 : " Heather , Matthew and Richard can't stop making Marfs , they are Marfed "
by SonicJams December 14, 2019
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Marfed is when your cat throws up a not completely dead mouse or similar small animal.
Nug was on the couch wheezing and then he Marfed . The mouse , a little stunned woke up and scattered.

Holy shit Sam. I swear you owe me a new car. I drove you home and right when we stopped, you Marfed up that Lasagna and it moved.
by Torbert November 9, 2018
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Hey dude, that marf looks really great with your outfit.
by tkay14 January 14, 2013
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The sound sheep make when they know we arent looking.
Also a nonsensical word that has no real meaning.
"Marf Marf"
"What was that???"
by Decontrol December 4, 2006
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