1. when someone is real attractive or hot. like neat.

2. when a feed is real good.
eg 1. ‘he real lubbly dat fulla der lah

eg 2. ‘this lemon and salt real lubbly. just wha i need’
by lil TAZZz December 3, 2019
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Something that is pleasing to onesself, such as a pink tea cosy, or a warm fuzzy kitten. It is usually used along with jubbly
Awww, lubbly jubby.
by -{ w0lfman }- March 24, 2004
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Lubbles means love, in a very cutsie manner!
I lubbles you! (I love you)
by Geth October 17, 2004
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When a person from Lubbock, Texas is oblivious to the world and only knows of current happenings relevant to their little hick town which is over 500KM from any major city. A person that lives inside of a lubble is usually an ignoramus and has lost all hope in life to succeed outside of their redneck town.
I used to know a girl who had potential in life until she moved to Lubbock, TX and started to live inside of a lubble.
by DeanPalmer April 11, 2011
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A British slang expression of one's happiness and/or approval. Originated from TV show 'Only Fools and Horses', where it was frequently uttered by Cockney geezer Del Boy.

John: "Cup o' tea?, Dennis"

Dennis: "Lubbly jubbly!"
by McGee88 March 12, 2009
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"LOVELY Jubbly" was frequently said by Del-Boy in the TV comedy series “Only Fools & Horses”. It was a typical Del-Boy MIS-QUOTE from the 1950s singing TV commercial (which he would have supposedly seen) advertising Jubbly orange drink as, "L-U-B-B-L-Y J-U-B-B-L-Y ! Lubbly Jubbly orange drink." Jubblys were later (c.1960) sold frozen in the same tetrahedron (triangular) shaped pack.
Rodney : "I managed to sell those rubbish watches for 50 quid a time."
Del-Boy : "Lovely Jubbly" - mis-quoted from Lubbly Jubbly
by Andy-oldgit November 22, 2022
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