The act of back-peddling after being caught watching questionable porn. Suspected lorkers commonly use excuses such as "That's not what I was looking for, the search feature must have screwed up" or "Uhhh...I was searching for videos that had doggy style sex, I didn't want to see dogs banging chicks!"
Ryan- "Whoa dude, you watchin some midget porn there fucker?"

Nick- "Uhhh no way man...I was uhh...searching for videos that had chicks with short hair...not short chicks, the search must be fucked or something!?!"

Ryan- "Whatever, you're totally lorking right now you know."
by xxNixonxx June 13, 2014
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To be assisted by a female in the act of self-pleasure. After the act, the couple goes to a McDonald's where the female orders McFluries(see McFluries). Frequently, the two have never spoken. Traditionally, it occurs during the Lenten season. A regional custom of Shrinetown, Louisiana.
Man 1: So, me and this girl were totally lorking last night!
Man 2: So you missed Law and Order!
Man 1: SVU!?!?
Man 2: Man, I wish I could lork with Mariska Hargitay.
Man 1: AHHHHHHHHH!I would lork with her all night long, until the McFluries got soft, if you know what I'm sayin'!
by Mark Elizabeth Lorker March 7, 2009
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half loser and half dork
That guy is a lork!
You are a lork!
by More Beeker April 28, 2007
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A very mild exclamation for use in polite company. The fuller version is "Lorks a lordy" if you have a need for a more vernacular expression.
"Lorks a Lordy! My bottom's on fire!"

***Courtesy of "The Young One's"***
by Flatster October 28, 2005
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1. to strongly like some thing.
2. to really really like something, (yet not love it.)
I really lorke these shoes, and I love my children and wife.
by Megajohn December 18, 2010
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A lork is a unnatural half breed of a dork and a loser which intertwine to make the radtastic being of a lork. can also be called a dern.

lork'i·ness n., lork'y adj. lork lord n.,
"What a lork."
"Ohmyygoshhh, that kiddo over there is like such an uber lork"
by kiddonamedsarah February 22, 2009
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In a game of Natural-Selection a Lork on the Clorf means a Lerk on the cliff. A mapping flaw was used for the aliens advantage. He uses spores to spore marine spawn and spike the marines resource tower.
by crack January 6, 2004
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