leet speak or 1337 5p34|< was originally used by hackers as a way to send messages, now is used by hardcore gamers to insult. leet or 1337 is derived from the word elite meaning simply the best.
|)1|) _|00 533 /\/\3 |>\/\//\/><0|2
|)47 /\/008?
translation: did you see me own that noob?
by that guy June 29, 2004
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one of the worst languages ever invented, along with ebonics, semi english, low english, and Southern Speak.

invented by Hackers of the eighties and early nineties, usually spoken in Chat rooms, online PC games, and yes, even the prep tool of the Texting Model Cell Phones use leet speak.
very arrogant punks indeed, they think they are God or something of a higher power.
Example of Leet Speak: h4axxorz!!!111, Roxxerz, OMG, GTFO, PSO, and more

Example of Ebonics: yo, fo shizzle, dizzle, hizzie, fo sho, and more

Example of Semi English: 'We get phone to you.' or 'you too tired, take day off!'

Example of Low English: 'Me no likey this food' or 'you so crazy!'

Example of Southern Speak: 'Y'all wants some burgers?' or 'Nukuler bombs are the worse things ever invented.'
by Santino ash June 21, 2007
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Using a symbol/letter/number to replace some letters in a sentence so that instead of:

"Everyone eats rice"

it becomes:
"3\/3ry0|\|3 347s r1c3"

Almost unreadable.
by Dolly November 28, 2003
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cool words like L337 and PWN3D gamers use.
man that n00b tried to step up to my 1337 skills and got pwn3d!
by Anonymous August 25, 2003
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The practice of substituting any number of letters or symbols for actual letters coupled with purposefully phonetically mis-spelling words while chatting in order to make your chat unreadable to all but the "elite," or, all the other dorks you are chatting with.
by Eric Seven September 29, 2004
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