A term in Halo 3 similar to verbs like sniped, when some is fragged directly through the Spartan Laser. This is shown in the text commentary as player 1 lasered Player 2. This is known to be one of the more comedic sayings of Halo 3.
Did you see how I lasered both of them them in one charge?!
by Krunkmister October 2, 2007
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Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Mr. Arnold: So, who's gay enough to know what 'LASER' stands for?
Crazy Hobo: Oooo--Ooo, me! Raises hand
Mr. Arnold: Yeeess? Raises eyebrow at Hobo
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It is the one word that can override shotgun. Whenever someone calls shotgun before you, and you call out laser, you get the seat.
Situation: Micky, David, and Pilar are happily eating in greasy fast food joint, when Micky gets the call: their mom is pulling up on the corner.

Micky jumps out of his seat and heads towards the door. Just before the door closes, Micky lets his siblings know that the car is approaching.

Micky: Shotgun. Ha ha ha. Ha.

Pilar and David: Shotgun!

Micky: Too bad! I called it. Better luck later, losers.

Pilar: Well, laser! Now what, punk.

Micky and David, then, get into the backseat of the car with an air of humiliation.

Pilar whispers: Laser beats all.
by rawrkadi September 12, 2010
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It makes anything cooler.!!
Man - "Hey, what'd you do last night?"
Man2 - *jerkishly* "Your mom!"
Man - "with lasers!"
by ASF18A! February 25, 2010
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A gun used to zap people with and shit
I'll shoot you with my lazor piece.

Pew! Pew! Pow! Zap! Boing!
by sux0r December 17, 2003
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One of the highest adjectives in describing something completely awesome.
The only thing above laser, is lasermazing.
Yeah, that MF DOOM track was pretty laser.
by duplo June 12, 2004
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