Was so kumared last night I couldn’t get in my apartment
by Sugarman1998 November 29, 2019
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Having or possessing the property of a devilishly handsome Indian-American male.
My boyfriend should start dressing more Kumar.

That guy is so Kumar he's out of my league.
by Jeb February 2, 2005
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An typical intelligent Indian guy with lots of witty sense of humour and charm . People have this title as it means the son of king .
Kumar is a great guy .
by itscoolboy May 14, 2018
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A name you would use for some random Indian guy.

Similar to calling some random asian guy "Wong" or "Lee"

Most likely used by a racist.
Two racists white guys come out of an AM PM.

-Hey, Kumar ripped me off with these overpriced burritos

-Freaking Kumar!
by S1988 November 13, 2009
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Also used as a substitute for 'Dude'. Used mostly in the regions of Bangalore, India. Now more commonly popular since the later half of the new decade.
Wassup, Kumar???
Kumar, i met your GF yesterday, man she's ugly!!!!
by Ghat July 9, 2006
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having wild sex using techniques learned and implemented in Mixed Martial Arts (aka the guard, the mount, block arch and roll etc)
Those two were doing it kumar in the backyard!
by Joseph DeGaetani February 15, 2009
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