a really epic person who makes really good edits 🥵🥵😏😳😳🥸😱
p1: hey do you follow korekiyo.__?
p2: ew no whos that..
p1: ew shame on you.
by kitesprout March 1, 2021
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Used to define a person/human being who is outstanding and has astonishing beauty.
“Have you seen korekiyo.__? She/They /He is/are stunning!”
by 4tsush1 March 1, 2021
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Person 1: "Look at that guy over there!~"
Person 2: "Wow~ He must be a Korekiyo~"
by McKuro February 25, 2017
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A 6'2 tall emo guy who is in love with his sister and wears lipstick
by Light yagamis toes October 17, 2021
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A character from danganropaV3 that has really good character development. Also has a really bad past that nobody cares about and just assumes things about korekiyo.
Person 1: korekiyo shingucci is my favorite danganropa character!
Person 2: Same! It sucks to see people calling him creepy :(
by Noodle bunny July 18, 2020
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Korekiyo Shinguji is a hot man
by feuygrsuaeyrgseyh April 30, 2018
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