The friend in the group that tends to be illiterate.
The person who knows nothing pertaining to real life beyond the fact that s/he knows he needs food to survive.
The person in the group who my dog tends to outsmart.
The person in the group that is a leech and feeds off all others, with little to contribute.
The person in the group who is known to be a womanizer, cheater, and liar.
The person who will never truly be happy because they are always looking for the next best thing and have the worst attitude when it comes to being good in general.
The person who tends to have an unwarranted ego, making oneself look even stupider then already before.
The dumbshit who lacks common sense.
The known fucktard typically has little to know respect for anyone (including oneself), thereby will never be truly respected by anyone.
JD is a known fucktard.

Remember when I said "use that thing between your ears"? Well I was kind of kidding then, but now im not. You have a brain for a reason you known fucktard.
by PineappleJuice February 26, 2015
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