Finished, over, done with. Can not be more over and done with something until it's all Kiesh.
I smoked it all Kiesh
by MitchellKrog December 25, 2022
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To be complete or finished. A word typically used when all the marijuana has been exhausted.
Some people use it simply as to be complete/finished, but this word only applies to MJ.
Dude, the bowl is kieshed.

bad example: Man, I am so kieshed out from last night.
by Dubba Trubba February 27, 2005
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(Keesh) - When someone is so hot that you instantly wish u could drop to ur knees n give them a quickie, or lick her tit, watever ur into. (Replaces hot,fine,fire, etc.)
-Dammm that guy is so kiesh
by dnGABBANA November 30, 2013
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orig. Midwest United States

When a bowl of marijuana has been fully consumed or burnt. This can be brought upon via flame or the cooking method employed by a vaporizer.
Matt: "Dude, that bowl was seriously kieshed when you handed it to me!"

Chad: "It was not kieshed! At least you swallowed the Scooby Snacks."
by Mojo the Rev. February 12, 2009
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Embodies everything that is good. Kiesh can be used as an adjective for almost anything, as long as its something prime. Also, can be used as a compound word, like kiesh money, to make it even more prime.
Person 1: How prime is that drink i just poured you?
Person 2: Its kiesh as hell.

Person 1: Hey, did you get the answers to that quiz.
Person 2: Yeah, I got them right here.
Person 1: Thats soo kiesh.
by Leumas Eeikcid November 20, 2013
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when someone is hot to the point you want to root them
omg he is so Kiesh!!!!
by electrraa November 19, 2018
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