When a person is laughing really hard.
"I swear to Moses... That boy Tustin fell in slow motion. It was so funny, I was joked out!"
by Lusher Lion February 9, 2014
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Are You Joking My Eyes Out??

Basically when the statement said is far from believable.... another use of "Are you Joking"

Can also be pronounced ajamie-oo
Boy says: Someone just let a ripper off on the bus
You say: Are you joking my eyes out?!!???? (A.Y.J.M.E.O)
by Tiffers_ps April 5, 2010
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A once inside joke that has been repeated so many times it is no longer secret, and or funny.
Thom: Dirty Drumsticks!
Steve: Damnit, who let Thom in on the joke?
Kevin: Probably Billy; It won't be long until he forces it into an inside out joke.
by NotJakeSV May 1, 2011
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