Noun. An attractive Asian woman, esp. of Japanese nationality. Note: Japoon is an irregular plural, and like 'deer' is the same in both the singular and plural cases.
"I saw a Japoon at the mall yesterday."
by t4eXanadu March 9, 2008
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A Japanese "nooner", or perfect nap taken in perfect time, usually 20 minutes, in almost a perfect setting to make it the whole day, sometimes in a cocoon like setting.

It is well known the Japanese pay $7-$12 dollars for 20 minutes inside a private soundproofed room, or cocoon, and wrap up in a cashmere blanket, breathe the purified air and listen to whale cries. It's meant to prevent Karoshi…death from overwork, but here in America, we'll just have a Starbucks, or slam some espresso to get through an 8 to 12 hour day of work so we don't get fired.
James: "Dude, I can't fall asleep on the job, I'll get fired"

Eric: "Dude, you look whacked, dead on your feet bushed"

James: "Dude, I'm so freakin tired, I think I need a Starbucks, or maybe just a tripple shot or Java Jolt" (4 shots straight up).

Eric: "Dude, just go get a Japooner, you'll feel like a new man......fresh and relaxed"

James: "Dude, your a genius"
by Torsiondrummer October 11, 2009
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bitchy ass jap that lives w/ the lubies becuz her own life is fucked up.
tanya is a fuckin japoon.
by anonymous August 4, 2003
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