To get zooted to the point where black outs come as quickly as seconds go by; from alcohol and or drugs. Originated in Lawrenceville, NJ, Abduls basement.
Kevin and I were planning on getting ionized this weekend, so we went out and bought three bottles and some controlled substances
by HawaiianMcGee February 23, 2010
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Adding a lowercase "i" before a word.
iLoser, iDork, iSuck, iForgot, iDontcare, iSee...etc
by Alan Chao February 27, 2005
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energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one more of the particular element/compound while in gas state.
Ionization energy: energy to take one mole of electrons when in gas state.
by -Nightmare- June 12, 2009
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a device that releases negatively charged ions into the air.
Person 1: Hey, didn’t you install a new air ionizer today?
Jack: I have ionized my balls.
by Overall1728 September 22, 2023
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A cheap cellphone with a pixalated image.
Person 1: "dam rodger keeps sending crappy videos, i cant make out shit."
Person 2: " Yea, he keeps sending those videos from his ionized potato, it's a nokia brick.
by Capuchin for Hire March 19, 2022
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A piece of cringe so unbearable that it kills brain cells upon sight, similar to high-energy gamma rays. Similar to gamma rays, getting a high dose of ionizing cringe may either kill you or turn you back into a truly based red-pilled sigma male.
Person 1: why tf did youtube just recommend me a gacha life fanfic???
Person 2: idk just don't click it it'll be ionizing cringe
by Swialp May 6, 2023
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