The process of using your iPad on the shitter.
Today while on the shitter, iPooing, I posted this
by IpooEr May 13, 2011
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Using an iPhone to access the Internet while on the toilet.
I didn't want my boss to see that link you sent me, so I ipood it at work.
by DrDonzo October 13, 2009
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The act of using your iPhone, iPod or iPad whilst taking a crap. Also known as the iPee if you are only taking a leak.
Useful if your employer has banned them during working hours.
Trevor: Wow, I'm so addicted to my iPhone that I can't put it down!
Bruce: Me too, I like to iPoo at work!
by Squik February 4, 2010
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New nappies from Apple, come in variety of colours.
guy1:EW, look at that disgusting apple baby taking a shit in it's iPoo.
by Kinky Pinky August 15, 2005
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Used to describe a person is shitting or pooping.
Excuse me, can I go to the toilet? I really need to iPoo.
by ykz99 May 7, 2019
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What you call your iPod when you have the shits with it and other Apple software and accessories due to bad usability and little or no simple navigation around things.
"I can't recover my password for iTunes, you have to bash the iPod Touch to get it to scroll sometimes. It's not syncing properly. I can't navigate my way around iTunes and find what I want."

Stupid iPoo

Fuck you Steve Jobs!
by trittrott December 26, 2011
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