n. means one-hundred million dollars (BUNdle of HUNdred million dollars)

Jay-Z uses in Hustln' Remix - "i got a hunnie bun, no not a chick i got hunnie bun millions ninja i got couple hundred them"
by MFresh121 May 24, 2006
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This person is bound to be not only your love, but your best friend as well. She
is someone that can take your breath away by just starring into your eyes. She
will be the keeper of the key to your heart and will always keep it safe.
Francesca is your one and only love, so keep her safe and close to your heart and never let go.
Jack: After about 3 year i finally have her, i love my hunny bun
by Vasilyev May 7, 2009
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Bestfriend in the world, I love and care for her so much. Nothing compares to her!
by RyNeu612 March 11, 2016
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The equivalent to "a hunnid bands" or 100,00$
Ayo I charge a hunny bun for a feature ya hurrrd
by Frost Genovese April 13, 2022
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When a guy is doing a girl doggy style and cums an her ass. The guy then procedes to rub his face in the girls cheeks, getting his cum smeared on his face giving him a glazed look.
Amanda: Josh and I hunny bunned yesterday. Michelle: Wtf is wrong with you Josh. Josh: Hey, I'll do what makes me happy!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 11, 2010
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When you nut on a girls ass and then spread it like you would a hunny bun
I would totally hunny bun on that girl’s ass”
by Nick_ger March 12, 2020
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