Some one who claims they are scared of gay ppl but are really hiding their true feelings
my cuz is homophobic but i think hes really gay
by Landensmommy! November 21, 2007
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whatever it is, it definitely doesn't mean not accepting gay people
Garrett: You think I'm homophobic just because I don't except that she's gay?
by dontuseurrealname42 October 13, 2018
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your homophobic when you're afraid of gay people and you're actually gay yourself.
omg guys im like so homophobic like omg
by rafresfdFesgsrgaee February 19, 2018
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A person who is anti-gay or scared of gays. Sometimes known as gay bashers.
1: Lewis: I hate gays, they really freak me out!
Chris: Don't be such a gay-basher.

2: Dom: Whatever you gay.
Amy: Using gay as a diss means your clearly homophobic or at least not happy with your current sexual status.
by I-Am-Alice December 2, 2007
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Homophobia is a fear of gay people (homophobic means to be scared of people who are atracted to those of the same sex). Usually people may be or act homophobic because in many teenage groups you are either for or against a subject. So if you don't hate gay, you are seen as gay. This leads to many people becoming homophobic because it is shuned and considered wrong to the public.
Man 1: Did you see that guy. He is such a gay!
Man 2: So who cares... it's not like I'm homophobic.
Man 1:.. umm.. What? You sound like a gay man.
Man 2:Ohh sorry, I mean. Gays discust me. It's just wrong.
by Chriistopher March 18, 2007
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A hetrosexual man or woman that is subconiously scared they will become gay.

'phobic' = scared.
Rob: I am gay. *hugs John*
Harry: You're both fags.
Jess: :O! Harry! You are homophobic!
Harry: Am I?! What does that mean?!
Jess: It means you're scared that Rob or John might start hitting on you.
Rob:But we love each other! Not Harry!
John: *shifty eyes*
by iLiKeCheEsE666!! October 28, 2006
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