someone who uses lard instead of lubrication gel
becca is a hardcore bitch
by sam molinue December 6, 2010
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Clan FHB-Quake; Counter Strike; Warcraft; Battlefield 1942; Halo; and RealWar.


Wow FHB really kicks lots of rear end in quake!!
by The Cheeks February 4, 2004
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A frigid bitch, who knows she is a bitch, and refuses to change.
Yo, shes such a super hardcore mega bitch, and she knows it.
by Fitz April 9, 2003
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A woman who has 12 to a 14 inch dildo stuck up her enourmously flabby or loose ass and therefore lashes out at a society that refuses to help her remove it. But she deserves it, the fucking bitch...
by The Duke May 6, 2003
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