noun: /hɛbɛ:/

A term used to describe an unsuccessful entry-fragger in video games, particularly such that require teamwork and/or communication such as Counter-Strike and Overwatch. Harbears often mistake their mortality for some avenue of skill, or the fact that they don't live in a highlight reel.

Contrary to similar terms such as 'bottom feeder' or 'bottom fragger', a Harbear lets the whole team down and costs them fights or whole games/rounds because they dive and/or press the attack on enemy lines without the support of their team, in hopes of 'getting a pick' or 'gathering resources'.
Why do we keep putting Jason on Genji? He's such a Harbear - he keeps dashing into the enemy Reinhardt to 'build ult charge' but always end up getting sucked to death by the Moira. Why can't we just put Harry on Genji for reliable damage?
by jeongu1004 January 14, 2021
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