A shortening of the Korean name Gyeongwon, primarily because no one knows how to actually pronounce Gyeongwon.
Ayy Gwon, wanna play some league of legends later tonight?
by NinjaStarfish123 June 12, 2020
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British slang for 'Go on!' in the context of 'you can do it!' or 'well done!' or simply 'Go on'
Friend one: Did you pass your driver's test?
Friend two: You know it man
Friend One: Gwonnn Steve! I told you you could do it.
by BibbidyBobbidyBoobies October 23, 2020
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scouse way of saying 'go on'
Lid 1: you going the k lad?
lid 2: gwon, suppose so.
by SomeCluelessScouser July 22, 2017
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Gwon outside, we don't want to hear you talk anymore.
Leave me alone and gwon.
by snizzlefizzle1234 October 30, 2021
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Instead of saying “go onIrish people generally say “Gwon”
“ Gwon and gis a yolk of milk.”
by ScuttleShit August 20, 2023
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