To be innocently treated like poop because someone is in a bad mood. (Verb) Similar to being "dumped" on with a grumpy flair.
Stop grumping on me, it's not my fault Natasha ate your waffle!

Being grumped on, is just not fair.
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To have been put in a bad or grumpy mood by an outside force. When for whatever reason things in your environment have pissed you off.
"For fuck's sake you are in a bad mood, who grumped you?"
by Byetor May 9, 2016
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A motherfuckin' grumpy-ass dog. He's always grumping and being rude. He doesn't have anything to grump about (except maybe that our McDonald's doesn't have $1 McDoubles) but he continuously grumps. Also a cheapskate and is not forthcoming with kisses or snugs.
Zack: Hey let's go smoke synthetic marijuana!!!

Em: I can't. I have to take this Grump Grump to the vet to get this cone off his head. He's grumping about it.
by Emboslice August 20, 2011
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A nickname that is commonly used for Grandparents and Great Grandparents. The name generally is used for attractive great grandparents, who are with younger women or men.
1. Me and Grump went to brunch this morning.

2. Grump is sexy.
by Char777 February 2, 2019
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When you skip a tutorial in a video game, and get stuck or lost in something the tutorial taught. A reference to Arin (Egoraptor) of the youtube channel Game Grumps, who would always skip tutorials.
"Bro, you're grumping it! You shouldn't have skipped the tutorial."
"Ah, yeah, I grumped it."
by queephlosion December 16, 2020
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noun: when you shit on the ground. grump = ground + dump
When doodie calls and there isn't a bathroom around, take a grump.

Backpacking ventures almost always entail grumps.
by thebelgianbomber February 9, 2014
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When a person grind/dry humps a person alive or dead
"Did you see tom and tracy grumping at jimmys party last night?" " dude I totally practiced grumping on my pillow last night."
by Og_grumper_69 August 1, 2017
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