To have sex. A male having intercourse with a female. It originated from Miami.
Yo man I was greezing lisa last night!
by nhojretrac August 20, 2008
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the act of being played or taken advantage of.
someone: "john said that he thinks your fat!"
john: "wow nigga, why you gotta greeze me."

"That dude just greezed me of my money!"

someone: "hey take everything out of jake's bag"

jake: "why you guys greezin me?"
by xkrnxballarx November 9, 2008
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To do bad upon someone, usually but not limited to, a friend or associate.
Dude I used your football yesterday, and popped it.

Aww greez bro.
by AntiCraka September 30, 2010
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A negative way to portray how something worked out. Also can be an adjective toward people who always screw things up.
John: Are you going to greeze me again for Lilly tonight, Riley?

Riley: Bro, Lilly and I already had plans!

John: Wow Riley, you are a fucking greeze!!
by A Teezy Reezy August 18, 2011
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Feeling a little bit aroused Tyrone uttered the following phrase to his chiq: Lemme greez ma
by Bane Rivera March 25, 2004
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In a few weeks after I meet her, I'm gonna greeze.
by Tugboats May 25, 2006
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