another word for bisexual, a blend word of "gay" and "straight"
luna? yeah she's graight. also great!1!!1!!!
by lkamryn_magcon June 17, 2018
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Adjective describing someone of ambiguous sexual orientation. A combination of "gay" and "straight." Refers to someone who is specifically not asexual but whose sexual preference is unclear.
The guy's elevated taste in wine and art suggested that he was gay, but his wardrobe and love of violent sports bespoke heterosexuality. Being neither clearly gay nor obviously straight, we were left to conclude that he was "graight."
by Belle Epoque October 17, 2005
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Straight + Gay.
Usually used to describe someone who claims to be straight, but everyone can tell they're gay.
Person 1: Gee, you sure are graight!
Person 2: Thanks!
Person 1: Graight, not great.
Person 2: No, I'm not.
Person 1: Stop denying it already. Everyone knows the truth!
by H.M. Switz December 22, 2008
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You're kinda gay, but you're kinda straight. It's just the fine line right between the two.
by Malik Is An Ass June 9, 2015
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Not gay, but not straight. Graight. Often used to describe bisexuals.
She’s dating a guy? I thought she was into girls... she must be graight.
by Tired_and_angry June 26, 2018
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When 2 Straight friends do gay Activities to satisfy eachother or 2 straight friends try gay stuff
Bob: Want to be my Graight Friend?
Billy: hmmm, sure but not in public tho
Bob: yeah of course
by Streem August 21, 2022
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