school of the inatley stupid. It is the school of the absoultly insane.
by mikeonbike March 17, 2004
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A stupid school with stupid people. All of them except me need to go to hell :)
Glenvar High people are the crap of society.
by Daniel September 24, 2003
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A school full of yeehaws and crackheads. Mostly sister kissers and mom molesters
Oh? you go to glenvar high? are you also dating your cousin
by mothers penis October 23, 2019
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a school full of dirty ass stinky ass bitches and racist ass rednecks. don’t forget those weird ass fucking furrys. and the ANNOYING ass vsco girls. and all the teachers are dick heads and the school is just a piece of shit.
i went to glenvar high school and i wanted to kms
by lolurmomgayyyy October 24, 2019
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The school thats divided in to two parts, Faggots and Rednecks that think its funny to put ’’yee yee’’ stickers on their whack ass trucks. The teachers don’t know what they’re doing but the principals are cool. The school itself looks like a kindergardner that put two carboard boxes together, and the green windows look like a glass painting i made back in 1st grade please they’re so awful like please someone bring god down and knock them out. The ceilings are so short that even short kids (like me) feel claustrophobic. Lastly, the band sucks ass. I’m sorry but y’all make hidden valley’s band look good. Like learn to play a fuckin note bro.
*me going to my school’s football game*
Friend: “your band sucks ass

Me: “yeah they really do let’s go to the cave spring’s side and vibe with their band“

(Glenvar High School- home of the alcoholics)
by MulletDaddy? December 1, 2021
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