Is when a male who is 6'2 or taller, finds a way to the females mouth from standing behind her while dancing. The male somehow loops his head around the females body, like a giraffe would, to meet her lips.
"Did you see Aubrey get kissed by that random stranger last night?" "Yea he just looped his face around to meet her lips. She definitely got Giraffed"
by Trayvillain December 3, 2013
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To grab a straw with your tongue before sucking your drink up. Usually in a revolting manner.
Person A- Oh my god that is so nasty. Look at the way Amy giraffed that Pepsi!
Person B- I'm not even thirsty anymore.
by fudgepopper November 4, 2010
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It's like this really sexual filthy, filthy thing where you and however many partners try to eat fruit out of trees. Right out of 'em. And there's, I don't know where the insertion happens maybe like, after you eat all the fruit out of the trees you lay down on each other? Back and forth on each other and you enjoy the fruity taste that you got in your mouth.

There's a risk if a second potential partner enters there area, you have to slap your necks together to establish dominance.

Lot of injuries from that.
I don't wanna kiss and tell but this week me and my girl were totally giraffing it.
by Bramblepelt August 12, 2019
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Verb - the sneak attack make-out of a really tall guy, usually directed at a below average height girl.

Also, to giraffe or to be giraffed.
Watch out for Lawrence, he's known for giraffing when you least expect it.
by Uhura-song June 17, 2014
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Making out with a girl that you are at least one foot taller than.
"Damn you see those two making out in the corner."
"Yeah man, he's straight giraffing her"
by Herkenham October 10, 2013
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A large headed animal, usually described as a penis head. girafs only eats vegetables but in some ocassions it might drink beer
I love the giraf, he's neck is as long as my penis
by klunkelars April 6, 2018
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A form of avoidance by putting your head so far down that you look like a giraffe trying to pick up some grass off of the ground.
He was giraffing when he walked by her.
by KCBelieve November 10, 2010
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