A method of building, desinging or inventing in which anything, no matter how unprofessional or non-aesthetically pleasing, is done to complete the project.
That guy just used popsicle sticks and bubble gum to repair his exhaust pipe. He's a master of ghetto engineering.
by Anonymous August 6, 2004
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Using urban ghetto techniques to solve a problem.
My main man Geoff fixed his sump bizump using a garden hose attached to the sump pump with a sock. This guy is a true graduate from the school of ghetto engineers.
by polarbigi March 5, 2007
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Blatantly disregarding all formal education and training in the hopes of somehow magically "getting it right" while clearly failing to define what "right" is before embarking on said design.
Andy utilized ghetto engineering tactics in his project ... and not surprisingly he failed.
by Paul December 22, 2003
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An undefined, shotgun approach to engineering.

Skipping all logical engineering methods and going straight to the "easy to implement solution"

Thinking that an "easy to implement" solution is in any way easy, or a solution.

See nutstache
by Erik December 11, 2003
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