When one does not want enter a car through the door, one climbs in through the open window, causing all sorts of hijinks.
Tatiana: The car door is broken and it won't open.
Asher: It's ok, I'll Get out NASCAR style.
Constance: Please don't kick me in the face on the way out.
by Asher pampaloompa October 31, 2007
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Getting fucked in any way involving guns and explosion and or American flags
dude I nutted in her kitty then escaped in my two fiddy, now that's getting fucked American style.
Dude that guy lost his arm from a fire work, he got fucked American style.
by friedtater69 December 1, 2021
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Dylan Talsma who reks you in smash boi
"Wow Dylan Talsma just styled on me"
"He don get styled on me"
by Bertuzz December 24, 2016
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The term “Get Bent British Style” refers to “getting bent” or, in a not so polite term, getting fucked, or telling one to go fuck themselves, the British style, is when one get’s to partake in anal sex, and an enema, but instead of the person allowing the water to escape the body, they instead put a tea bag within their anal cavity, therefore, getting “bent” (fucked in the ass) British style (tea bag within anal cavity mid-enema)
Chad: What did you tell your boss after he fired you for indecent exposure during work hours?

British Chad: I told the wank’r to “Get Bent British Style”

Chad: What’d he do next?

British Chad: He went to go have hardcore anal sex, he was always very gullible.
by Stylophone Jack April 24, 2021
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