See metrosexual(which is often misspelled as meterosexual).

Carrie: The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual males spawned in Manhattan as a result of overexposure to fashion, exotic cuisine, musical theater, and antique furniture.

Samantha: Well, hopefully he's a gay straight man, which means he's straight, with a lot of great gay qualities.

--Definition taken from "Sex and the City" episode "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful" (1998)
Charolette: I am so confused, is he gay or is he straight?
Carrie: Well it's not that simple anymore, the real question is, is he a straight gay man or is he a gay straight man?
by GodsJesus January 11, 2006
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Coined by Sex and the City. While a gay straight man is an overcultured straight man (a metrosexual), a straight gay man is just a gay man who watches sports and won't fuck you.

The difference is sort of that between crayola's green-blue (blue with a green tint) and blue-green (green with a blue tint).
Hopefully he's a gay straight man and not a straight gay man.
by copperboom May 8, 2007
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It means that a straight man is secretly gay, showing signs of them being gay. (Like GHAZI.)
"Ghazi is such a Gay Straight Man, Unbelievable!"
"I don't believe a Gay Straight Man exists, but god gave us Ghazi."
by YourTypicalDumbass February 24, 2021
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