n. the proper scientific term for individuals who consume gourmet or upper-class food and drink for recreational or self-deceptive purposes; also known as "foodies". These people may also refer to themselves as "gastronomists", but don't listen to them.
You: "I guess you could call me a foodie, or gastronome, or even a gastronomist!"
Me: "I'm going to call you a pretentious fat turd instead."
by Very Finestein July 23, 2013
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Food that is incredibly delicious. The kind of delicious that is far beyond your favorite order at your local burger joint.
The Chile Verde plate at Salsitas is Gastronomical! It's way better than that crappy stuff at the El Ranchero restaraunt.
by MoDacious-AltaLoma April 26, 2009
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Food that is so expensive that it makes you sick
'Man, those hipster burger prices are gastronomical. Whatever happened to a $2 cheeseburger?'
by SushiB March 2, 2013
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Where the duration of a meeting is extended for no reason other than to include a free lunch or dinner.
The meeting went on an hour longer than it had to. Gastronomical determinism ensured that the debate continued, focusing on meaningless issues, until the company provided lunch was served.
by Dan's Dictionary August 14, 2008
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A moment of intense pleasure caused by eating food that has the maximum level of deliciousness possible, causing the person eating it a highly enjoyable journey of flavor.
OMG!! this pizza is so good I just had a gastronomic orgasm!
by jast86 October 3, 2010
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A person who is capable of eating way more food than external appearances would suggest.

A remorseless eating machine.

This is a modification of the astronomy term describing the center of a black hole, wherein space/time curvature becomes infinite. The infinite mass of the singularity sucks in all sufficiently near victims.
At 5'8" and 165 lbs, Takeru Kobayashi is a gastronomic singularity as evidenced by his eating 64 hot dogs in ten minutes.
by HHMTB June 2, 2010
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The use of condiments in kinky acts in the bedroom.
Person 1: I am hungry.
Person 2: How about some gastronomic fornication?
by wendle wendle wendle October 5, 2008
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