A simple play off of the word Fetal. Invented by a friend of mine on accident.
RI0S (5:06:52 PM): ery few songs manage to leave me shaking on the floor in foetal position but many of their creations have that particular effect.
by Garrodith September 19, 2003
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the very act of adopting the foetal position when under extreme stress, very cold, or scared shitless.

In this position, the back is curved, the head is bowed, and the limbs are bent and drawn up to the torso.
Dianne saw the massive alpha gorilla descending upon her and decide to go foetal.

Once the gorilla saw that she'd gone foetal, he lost interest and decided to share his banana with someone else.
by Leopolis October 2, 2010
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A baby grand piano that is so tiny it is more of a foetus than a baby.
We specially hired a baby grand piano to be played at our charity concert, but the piano they delivered was sooo tiny it was surely only a foetal grand.
by Scarlett.007 July 9, 2010
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