The cutest asshole you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. But she will crush you with her love of noya, extreme memeing and her talent at literally everything
woah man Flintlock is actually the best!
by littleleef October 13, 2014
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When a man is banging a chick doggy style and he takes a dip from his lip and packs it in her butt. He then flips her on her back and uses a match to light her vaginal hair while yelling “Freedom!”
I pulled a Bostonian Flintlock on that chick and now I’m pissed because I don’t have anymore dip!
by Stephen Roche November 8, 2017
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Similar to a muzzleloader; place your chewing tobacco on your partners asshole then pack it in using your dick. Then quickly light the hairs on their asshole on fire and watch them shoot across the bed faster than a speeding bullet.
Last night I tried to do a change up to the ol’ muzzleloader and tried the Kentucky flintlock. Learned the smell of burned ass hair is a turn off for her.
by BigToeMo December 12, 2020
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“The act of fingering a woman aggressively till climax whilst one’s hands are covered in gunpowder.”
“After spending all day at the gun range, I came home and gave my ole lady the Flintlock Fingers.”
by Mr_Rogers June 20, 2023
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The practice of inserting your index finger and middle finger into the anus of a woman whilst rubbing her clitoris vigorously with your thumb, forming the shape of an 18th century flintlock pistol whilst making her go "Arrrrrrrr" like a pirate.
Last night my wife asked me to give her the Pirates Flintlock. It was like been in bed with Long John Silver.
by Slimy Slitter March 10, 2016
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It's where you pinch your sex partner's nipples. Then you crouch over her mouth and twist her nipples. As you twist them you release your previous night's Taco Bell directly into her mouth.
Stephen crouched over the lady he hired that night and gave her a good ol' fashioned Taco Bell Flintlock.
by DocNova August 18, 2024
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