a person who is fake and pretends everyone is there best friend. Usually they come off to nice and kind, and you never hear from them until they either need you or they feel lonely.
Ted : That person is such a flakered.
Chris : Yeah, yesterday she came to my house and I havent seen her in years.
by DUDEDOIT! January 24, 2010
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A person who bails out on a commitment at the very last minute.
Tim is such a flaker. I can't believe that he bailed out the very last minute! I'm definitely not inviting him to hang out next time.
by Zain Cheng February 17, 2006
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Someone who does not show up when they had previously stated they will. Also, someone who has no intention of showing up, but acts like they will or want to show up only to mess with your feelings.
Simona is a flaker, she said she wanted to catch the game, but she met up with her real friends instead.
by Oppa's Club February 22, 2012
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Is someone who plans on attending an event and never calls to state they wont be there.
icky-wicky is a FLAKER because she always says she will show up to a party but never does.
by Big Rick September 18, 2007
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1. Someone who fails to honor commitments, either by making excuses or simply not showing up to the planned event.

2. Someone who regularly does cocaine, an illicit substance referred to by some as "flake."
It's been half an hour and Leo hasn't shown up- that fucking flaker.

You can't just snort the coke on my dinner table, you flaker!
by TyrianTyrell October 28, 2019
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Is someone who always makes plans to attend a event and comes up with a pathetic excuse to bail out every time.
1. Tucker made plans to go to Vegas, then bailed on me last minute. What a flaker.....

2. Wesley and I where suposed to go watch the game at the bar but he flaked out.
by hectorbg February 11, 2010
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Someone who says they are going to show up yet doesn't.
That Rudy Vasquez guy is a big flaker.
by shaq3212 March 19, 2013
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