You're a dumb lazy hoe sometimes but you can also be strong, beautiful and smart if you work harder. Unfortunately, you're lazy af to even work hard, so be contented with being a dumb lazy hoe, cause you can't do nothing about it with you're lazy looking ass.
You're personality is totally that of an ethe.
by Janice Salvador June 27, 2020
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Short for the cryptocurrency altcoin called 'Ethereum'
Dude1: Wow, did you buy any BTC? It's pumping to the moon right now.
Dude2: Nah bruh forget BTC... ETH to the moon!
by CovidNineteen February 10, 2021
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ETH Zurich is a university located in Zürich (Switzerland). The acronym ETH/ETHZ stands for Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, which translates to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.
It is ranked among the top universities in the world.
- What are you gonna do next Year?
- I enrolled in electrical engineering at the ETH.
by som191 August 24, 2011
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prefix for network interfaces in unix based operating systems
eth0 is the first network interface
eth1 is the second network interface
eth2 is the third ...
and so on
by __dirk__ October 4, 2008
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Suffix to any noun, and the occasional verb.
My dogeth barkethed at the mailmaneth named Liameth.
by B-Drac September 6, 2003
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short for ethanol, slang for booze.

Not to be confused with meth.
Dude, I need some eth on account of i got the DT's and I'm seeing little aliens devour my eyeballs.
by Jaggo March 23, 2004
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