The process of changing one's personality to that of a whiney bastard, oftentimes unintentionally.
Oh dear, Johnny's going through emoization. I hope this is just a phase, I'm sick of him bitching.
by Twiggi March 9, 2005
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We're emoizing Dick tonight. Bring some Dashboard Confessional with you.

Don't emoize Dave. He's too nice and caring.

Look out! Dan's been emoized! Run away before he starts whining!
by Twiggi March 9, 2005
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The process of intentionally changing oneself's personality to that of a whiney bastard, often in order to get laid. See also emoization.
Girl, that's a case of intentional emoization there. He's prolly still a virgin, and a pervert at that.
by Twiggi March 9, 2005
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