short term for Egypt or Egyptians because WE ARE LAZY MFKERS CANT TYPE FULL SHIT
sup egy boi aka sup Egyptian boi. duh
by Snapcz May 13, 2015
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Endgame idiots: People who just play a game or MMO and don't care about the end game and don't care about being the best. They are playing for fun.
Joe joins a match:

Dan: Why does your gear suck at max level?
Joe: Please I'm a EGI.
by GamersTagsForGamers August 25, 2018
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breastplate: armor plate that protects the chest; the front part of a cuirass.
by Jokercard August 28, 2012
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an egyptian christian gangster....lives in egypt....but no muslims....jus da christians...ghetto ass egys
sup egy.................
by maaa February 26, 2004
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Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Egi gets the job done without complaining. People named Egi are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand and also lend advice. Practical Egi (both male and female) are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they're going to do today isn't a drag it makes them feel in control and secure. Egi won't spill secrets right away, and it's important to earn their trust. But once you do, this person will be a friend for life. And if you think that you're dating a shy Egi, trust that those walls will fall down in the bedroom. One of the most passionate people, Egis specialize at connecting to their physicality, and this person loves and celebrates physical connection with their partner.
-Have you met Egi already? She is the best!
-OMG logically speaking, Egi is more mature than John.

-I need help to choose the next vacation! I should call Egi.
by ghetto888 November 23, 2021
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One whos fetish includes watching other people wash their hands (no penis is edged you stupid fuckhole)
by Anonymous January 10, 2003
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Its a "hood" called Eglston in Boston,Ma
Nigga #1: Yo where you at?
Nigga #2: Im on da 24 I'm 'bout to be at egy
Nigga #1: Aiight hit me uo when ju get dere.
by I doesnt matter October 25, 2006
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